Friday, 13 April 2012

Value of time VS Value of Money

Sorry for not blogging for a while.  Recently I have had the pleasure of overcoming some fairly serious obstacles which have taken up the vast majority of my time (more on this to follow!).
Recently I had a chance to sit down with a large player in the real estate industry (I will call him Joe).  In the last five years, Joe and his brother have grown a small start-up company into a multi-million dollar company with over $100 million in assets.
But this didn’t happen overnight and they started with almost nothing.  And the real kicker is that Joe gave up a seven figure salary to start his own real estate company with his brother.
Read that again…..I said SEVEN figure. 
The real reason for giving a million dollar salary was the value of time.  His wife had recently given birth to their first child and they were expecting another.   His boss and mentor had congratulated him and told him that it was great to have kids, although it was difficult to spend time with his own.  Digging deeper, Joe found that, due to the long hours he put in to become partner, his boss only saw his kids on weekends….if at all.
Instantly something clicked in Joe’s head and he realized that this was not the life for him.  The work was challenging and the pay was fantastic, but nothing was worth more than watching his kids grow up.  On top of this, he always had an entrepreneurial spirit.
Now I am sure he had challenges along the way, and I’m sure there were some long days/weeks/months, but he is doing what he wants to do with his life….on his own terms.   If his kids need him, he is there.
I applaud his efforts and thank him for his inspiration to me. 
More than anything, this reassured me that I am travelling down a path that I want to take, not what everyone else thinks I should be doing.  And it is nice to know that I am not alone with these thoughts. 
For those of you out there who are interested in doing something out of your comfort zone….do it.  Do it because you may not ever get another chance.  Do it because it’s exciting.  Do it because it inspires you. 
I’m not telling you to quit your job and start flipping houses, but if you have always wanted to try something new…at least take the first step.  If it doesn’t work out, at least you tried.  If it does…gravy.

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